Tuesday, April 17, 2012

News: Samsung will launch first model with Windows Phone 8

It is rumored that Microsoft is planning a launch of Windows Phone 8 in the second half, and now the information that supports it. It is a representative of Samsung in Taiwan commented on the manufacturer's plans in conjunction with the launch of the big Android phone Note. According to the website Eprice.com Samsung plans in Taiwan to present a model in the second half of this year that will have a brand new version of Microsoft's operating system.

It should then be a question about Windows 8 of the mobile version, a version of Windows Phone sometimes called Apollo. Apollo has occurred before in a schedule that leaked from Microsoft and should thus be the version used immediately after the Tango version which we are now on phones with simpler hardware. Is scheduled to Apollo has a completely different direction, focusing on the most performance out of phones with powerful hardware, and include several new features that will appeal to business users.


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